Questions swirl about police officer’s alleged role in 4.4 tonne cocaine stash

Last Updated on Wednesday, 4 September 2024, 20:36 by Writer

Police Commissioner Clifton Hicken fended off questions that a senior police officer was allegedly linked to the cocaine stash that was unearthed from several pits near an illegal airstrip in Guyana’s interior.

A Guyanese senior law enforcement agent said a policeman has been implicated and that his posting there might have been facilitated by others. When contacted, the officer told Demerara Waves Online News that he was not recalled from his interior posting and that he was not informed that he was the subject of an investigation related to the cocaine that was destined for Europe by marine craft.

Commissioner Hicken told reporters that he was unaware of a link between the officer, but he was aware of an allegation on social media which he would enquire about. “I don’t know and if that’s the case, there will be an investigation,” he said.

CANU said the discovery of the cocaine in a number of pits covered with wood and camouflaged with vegetation resulted from international cooperation. “The operation was driven by intelligence regarding illegal flights into Guyana and was supported by information shared with the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and other international partners,” the agency had said.