
Opposition Amerindian politicians say excluded from Toshaos Conference

Last Updated on Thursday, 22 August 2024, 9:00 by Writer

Mr Vincent Henry

At least two opposition Amerindian politicians were barred from participating in the National Toshaos Council Conference, arguing that their legal right to be there was violated.

A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) parliamentarian, Vincent Henry, who is also Leader of the Guyana Action Party, and the People’s National Congress Reform’s Mervyn Williams said they were not allowed to be present on two separate occasions.

Mr Henry said he was escorted out of the conference by a police officer. He said he was deemed an imposter ad later informed that the forum was only for Toshaos. “The presentation by the Minister of Natural Resources was stopped because of my presence and then the Police escorted me out of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. This is full out dictatorship!,” he said of his experience on Tuesday.

Mr Williams alleged that he was blocked by senior officials of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry and the NTC before police were summoned to order his removal from the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. “That the PPP would go to the lengths they have to exclude Indigenous Guyanese from the NTC conference, in clear violation of the law tells the tragic story of a government that has lost its way. This PPP government has no respect for citizens and the rule of law. This cannot be a democracy. The struggle for the rights of indigenous Guyanese continues. We were here before others arrived. We will always be here,” Mr Williams said.

Mr Mervyn Williams

They pointed to the Amerindian Act that states that Amerindians are allowed to attend NTC meetings.

Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai on Wednesday issued a statement that did not refer to the experiences of Mr Henry and Mr Williams. However, she noted that the NTC Conference was an engagement between Toshaos and the government. “The APNU/AFC willfully omits the fact that the National Toshaos Council, the rightful custodian of this event, traditionally orchestrates a full week of substantive, direct, and intensive engagements with the government and state agencies on all matters critical to hinterland development,” she said.