
2020 general election fraud trial begins; prosecutor says poll statements forensically audited

Last Updated on Monday, 29 July 2024, 17:32 by Writer

A Guyana Police Force truck with the several boxes of statements of poll and statements of recount that were presented as evidence by the State in electoral fraud cases (Demerara Waves Online News photo – October 11, 2021).

The long-awaited trial of several then officials of the Guyana Elections Commission (GEC) and members of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) for their alleged role in 2020 electoral fraud began on Monday with questions being raised about the authenticity of the statements of poll (SOPs).

Prosecutor Dharshan Ramdhani told the court presided by Magistrate Leron Daly that forensically audited SOPs would be presented to the court as evidence. “You will have the assistance of a forensic auditor who would have gone through statement polls, and you will see effectively what was happening,” he told the court in his opening address.

The Magistrate asked a court officer to be on standby to transport the SOPs, if required.

Defence Lawyer Eusi Anderson stressed that it was important to clearly authenticate the SOPs from the time of ballot box to the recount. He said each SOP has three unique identifying marks known individually to the election commissioners for the PPPC and A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC).

In response to three applications by Defence Lawyer Anderson, the Magistrate ruled that at the appropriate stage the SOPs would be brought to court, there would be a visit to the then Region Four Returning Office (Ashmin’s Building) at High and Hadfield Streets, Stabroek, Georgetown. However, she was unsure who should be warned that the nine witnesses are not intimidated or followed in any manner.

The first witness, Attorney-at-Law and Local Government Minister Sonia Parag, said she was an accredited candidate to poll representing the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC). Defence lawyers Anderson and Darren Wade asked for concrete proof of accreditation. She traced the tabulation process for District Four as beginning on March 3, 2020. She said she was comparing numbers with her party’s SOPs and those that Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo was calling out during the tabulation process. She said subsequently two officials of the GEC – Michelle Miller and Alexandra Bowman – entered the room on March 4, 2020 and she was informed by the then Deputy Chief Election Officer, Roxanne Myers who also entered the room that those two persons would continue the tabulation exercise. She said Ms Volda Lawrence of APNU was also present.

Ms Parag said she objected to the numbers that were being read out by Ms Miller from what appeared to be a spreadsheet. However, the Magistrate said she would prefer the use of “document” unless foundation is lead to establish the type of document.