
New York-based Guyanese businessman charged with exporting gold

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 18:40 by Writer

A New York-based Guyanese businessman has been placed on GY$600,000 bail on a charge of exporting gold without a licence, police said Wednesday.

The suspect is Saffee Ahmad, a businessma of 123rd Street, Queens New York, and Lot 38 Roraima Scheme, Versailles, West Bank Demerara.

However, a source said Ahmad was connected to 52-year-old Shameena Ahmad of 38 Roraima Scheme, West Coast Demerara.

Police explained that he allegedly aided and abetted one of the subjects who was charged before. “The Act allows the police to charge him as a principal offender,” police said.

Ms Ahmad and two other persons have been already charged with illegal export of 240 ounces of gold valued US$560,000. She and Ian Jacobis, 44, of 749 Plantation Best, West Coast Demerara and Ashiana Salamaly, 34, of 38 Roraima Scheme, West Bank Demerara were arrested earlier this month at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport minutes before they were due to board a flight to the United States.

They are also on GY$600,000 bail.

Saffie Ahmad was arrested by a policeman from the Major Crime Investigation Unit and charged on June 18th, 2024 with the offence of ‘Exporting Gold Without License’, in Contravention of the Guyana Gold Board Act.

Police said Mr Ahmad appeared at the Diamond Magistrate’s Court #2 before Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman where he pleaded not guilty.

The case was fixed for June 24 for statements.