
Husband arrested after beating to death Parika Market vendor

Last Updated on Sunday, 31 December 2023, 12:57 by Denis Chabrol

A female vendor of the Parika Facade, East Bank Essequibo was early Sunday morning allegedly beaten to death by her husband who has since been arrested, the Guyana Police Force said.

The dead woman has been identified as 25-year old Parbattie Amanda Persaud and the alleged perpetrator is 39-year old Guradean Lallaram, a mason, of Parika Facade.

Investigators were informed that the Mr Lallaram beat Persaud with a piece of wood at about 5:30 Sunday morning, three weeks after she and their three-year old daughter moved out after she was assaulted during misunderstanding.

“At about 05:00 hrs this morning, the now-deceased woman was walking down Parika access road heading towards the market, when the suspect approached her on an electric scooter, after which a heated argument ensued between them.

The suspect came off of the scooter, picked up a piece of wood from the roadside and dealt the victim one lash to her head causing her to fall to the ground. He then stood over her and dealt her several lashes to her face with the wood, causing her to bleed profusely,” police said.

During the six-year long common-law relationship, police said “she was constantly abused” by Mr Lallaram but she never lodged any report with the police and they opted to deal with the problems internally.

Police said Sunday’s entire ordeal was recorded by a resident in the area. Mr Lallaram, according to police, dropped the wood, escaped on his scooter, stopped a short distance away and hid in a clump of bushes. He was subsequently arrested by police. “The suspect was told of the allegation and later gave a statement under caution and video recording. He was placed into custody pending further investigations,” police said.

According to the police force,  ranks picked up the woman, who was in and out of consciousness at the time, with visible wounds to her face and conveyed her to Leonora Cottage Hospital.

She died on arrival at the emergency room.