
GTT’s Pinktober targets GY$30 million to fight cancer

Last Updated on Sunday, 8 October 2023, 13:04 by Denis Chabrol

GTT spokeswoman, Jasmin Harris

GTT is urging Guyanese to help that company raise GY$30 million to fight breast cancer and other cancers, amid staggering figures about that disease in this South American nation.

GTT spokeswoman, Jasmin Harris says the money will be used raise awareness, screening and diagnosis.

Key activities for the remainder of October/Pintokber are medical outreaches in Bartica on October 8, World Palliative Care Day, and in Berbice October 15; Night of Hope and Fashion Gala on October 21 at the Marriott Hotel, and a Walk-Run on October 29 starting 6 AM at Everest Cricket Ground.

The telecommunications giant hopes to raise GY$30 million by having Guyanese purchase Pinktober packages that are available Online at . The corporate packages range from from GY$50,000 to GY$500,000 plus

“The underlying message of ‘Many Hands, Caring Hearts’ emphasises the power of the collective action. Each individual’s contribution, no matter how small, can make a meaningful difference in reaching the ambitious goal of raising $30 million to combat cancer,” Ms Harris says.

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony says breast cancer and cervical cancer are the number one and number two cancers respectively among women, and prostate cancer is the number one among men. “This is a big problem. It’s a problem because a lot of times when people do come to the health care system, it is, perhaps, too late. Too late because they already have a cancer formation and, in some cases, they have metastasis (secondary tumours in other parts of the body),” he said.

Dr Anthony stressed the importance of early cancer screening and the detection of suspicious lumps; those could be prevented from becoming cancerous or cause damage.

Ms Pameshwarie Seodat of the Guyana Cancer Institute

Ms Pameshwarie Seodat of the Guyana Cancer Institute says that in 2022, breast cancer accounted for 22 percent of the cancer cases in Guyana while cervical cancer accounted for another 16 percent. She adds that from 2020 2023 the institute, which has Guyana’s only external beam radiation unit that provides non-invasively targets tumours treated 172 cases cases of breast cancer.

The Cancer Institute, which was established as a private partnership in 2006 works with partners, the Ministry of Health and its sister company, Global Imaging Services, praised GTT for its support. “We stand here today in gratitude and in recognition of GTT’s unwavering commitment and support and in celebration of our partnership which dates back three years, Ms Seodat said. She said the Cancer Institute was able to provide diagnostic and therapeutic care to 68 of the 172 cancer patients.

The Institute says it accommodated more than 800 patients through mammography and ultrasound screening. Ms Seodat announced that during October, the Cancer Institute is offering comprehensive screening packages at significantly reduced cost and will cater to the needs of all patients.