
Town Clerk refutes City Mayor’s claim that subvention was not provided

Last Updated on Thursday, 20 January 2022, 12:08 by Denis Chabrol

Town Clerk Candace Nelson

Town Clerk,  Candace Nelson on Thursday chided City Mayor Ubraj Narine for stating that the Central government did not provide a subvention for last year,  even as she provided details on how the allocated GY$30 million was spent.

In the wake of City Mayor Ubraj Narine’s claim that President Irfaan Ali has ignored his request for the subvention, Ms. Nelson dispatched a letter to the Mayor stating that  subvention was provided for agreed works “contrary to public pronouncements.”

“As agreed by both parties, the subvention was used for the construction of the administration building and payments were made to Dave’s Construction and Supplying Establishment,” the Town Clerk told  the City Mayor.

A Bank of Guyana cheque shows that the GY$30 million was paid to the Town Clerk-Georgetown Town Council on April 30, 2021.  Then Town Clerk, Sherry Jerrick on April 8, 2021 had submitted additional information for the work programme for the subvention allocation of GY$30 million.

Ms. Nelson’s correspondence also states that GY$16.4 million was paid to the company on November 15, 2021 and GY$13.5 million on December 21, 2021.

In a letter dated December 2, 2021 to Local Government Minister Nigel Dharamlall, the City Mayor had stated that “no allocation of subvention” was given to the City Council for 2020 and 2021. But, at the same time Mr. Naraine described the GY$30 million as a “grant” towards the administration building.

City Mayor Ubraj Narine

Meanwhile, A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) City Councillor has broken ranks with the Mayor on the issue of the subvention and stopped short of calling him a liar.  “When you stand to represent a position, your stand ought to be grounded in truth. Especially if you’re seated in a seat of authority and example. I say this again and again, the problem with City’s Government isn’t the employees but rather the very governance.

But no one is willing to take responsibility for his or her actions/decisions but rather find it easy to blame other entities and persons. This is not child’s play this is REAL! The subvention was given to the Mayor & City Council for the year 2021 by Central Government. Stop the politriks and let’s get up and lead,” he said on his Facebook page.

Akeem Peter

Mr. Peter recently participated in the joint Central Government-Private Sector-Joint Services two-day clean-up operation in Georgetown, contrary to a decision taken by the People’s National Congress Reform that elected APNU+AFC officials would not participate in such activities because the Central Government was bent on eroding the role of the Council to make a case that it is inefficient. “Many matters demand differing political positions fueled by one’s ideologies. But then opportunities of oneness and unity presents itself giving us the ability to put Nation first before our Political Ideologies. The last 48 hours were one such opportunity. As a sitting Councilman of the City of Georgetown, it was my utmost pleasure partaking in such an activity. Which brings with it a level of pride and patriotism to this beloved Nation Guyana,” he said.